Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Affirmations-mastering thyself part 2

In an earlier blog I wrote about mastering yourself, and about letting go and mastering anger. However, that is not the only issue I need or have to face. The very core issues aside from anger, I think I have found is the fact I have issues with confidence, fears, believing and trusting in myself as well as my abilities. I am a strong witch, I need to start 100 percent fully believing and trusting in that fact. 

I have composed of 6 daily affirmations to start doing ritually, sometimes maybe even doing a small mental spell to amplify the power of the affirmations, or do it while meditating and not just saying them and writing them everyday.

Affirmation Number 1: I Am Not Evil! 
                     This affirmation is mainly because I have a hard time forgiving myself, which is part of the anger issue. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, and I punish myself for them. I wrote poetry talking about how I am a monster, and that I don't diserve anything in this world. I may have changed my thinking with that on that for the most part, but there are still days that I question if I am really good or not. Still a work in progress. However, maybe because I question myself, I wont have to worry about ever becoming evil or bad because questioning actions objectively and to make sure I don't do any harm to any one.

Affirmation number 2: I must trust myself and trust in my abilities
                    A lot of the times I have issues trusting in myself and in what I can do, not so much magically, but more so with life in general. Mostly it is about my career path, and what I want to do with my life. Alot of it is because part of me does not know what I should do or where I should go to strive for my goals. I don't even know where to start, and it is most taxing.  My spiritual path with magick though is making me realize I not only need to trust in magick but also trust in myself to do magick. Trust what I know, trusting in my intuition, and most importantly, trust my judgement when I get bad vibes or have a bad feeling about something or someone. So in turn I trust my intuition to tell me whats right with my career path, and other life situations as they arise. Also to trust yourself to know what to do when certain situations arise that you don't think you can handle alone. If you are anything like me, you know deep down that you are a lot stronger than you think you are.

Affirmation number 3: I must Believe in myself and my abilities. 
           This goes hand in hand with Trusting in one's self and One's abilities. If I Don't believe that I can accomplish goals, and believe I have the ability to accomplish goals, then I can't trust in myself. It all comes down to belief. Same with magick. I believe I can cast spells, and work my powers, but if I don't believe in the fact I can do these things, or even not believe in magick in general, hard to do any spell work that way or any  manifestations. Think about it. Believing and having faith is the key. Also believing that you know what to do in certain situations when something goes wrong also helps. Like I said before. We are stronger than what we think we are.

Affirmation number 4: I must have no fear!
            I have a lot of fears when it comes to life and with magick. I fear I will do something stupid and hurt someone, or I fear I will do something stupid and hurt myself with out realizing it. I fear the vast dangers that sometimes occur in magicks. Sometimes in life you just have to take necessary risks in order to get things done, and to take risks in order fully live a full life. After all being human, life is short. What is the point in living in fear all the time? It certainly does not get you anywhere. With career goals I also need to get over fearing the what if's. I always seem to think about what if I don't get into grad school, or what if I don't get a high enough score on the GRE? Then I think well how will I know for sure until I try? I get so wound up that I keep forgetting to actually do something and try, instead of just thinking about it... biggest issue in my life right there. Getting over these fears also goes back into trusting and believing in one self. In order to be fearless you have to believe in yourself and trust in yourself.

Affirmation number 5: I am beautiful despite my traits
This Affirmation is more of a personal thing. I know many people out there don't look like super models. Many of us oddly shaped people get discouraged and feel ugly even though they have a beautiful and strong heart. It also sorta goes back to not being evil or bad. Ugliness is perceived as an evil in American society. For example, someone who is obese or overweight is seen as ugly because the stereotype says they can't control their apatite, or because they don't do anything to take care of their bodies, which isn't always true. Some people have legitimate medical conditions that make someone obese. You get looked down upon by society and get seen as lazy. However, I sometimes work 12 hour shifts, I jump into other stations to help my team members, and sometimes even run most of the work stations myself on slow days. I work my butt off for the little money I earn, and even have to put up with a lot of rudeness from managers as well as customers just to even survive. Being ugly by American Culture shouldn't mean that you are an evil person because you are ugly. It doesn't make sense because you are not ugly nor evil just because you look different. Beauty is so overrated anyway. Ive dated some ugly guys who treated me like crap, and yet Ive dated some amazing good looking guys who treated me like a princess. Appearances is not everything, and I wish more and more people could realize this; especially the stuck up shallow snobs. Anyway sorry this is long but I think this is one that is one of the most sensitive topics for me, along with a lot of other American's out there.

Anyway, those are my self affirmations and the reasoning behind them. I think everyone should do positive self talk, and self affirmations. How else are we going to learn to have peace within ourselves so that we can help the world change and become a better place for everyone?  I been working on my thoughts and changing how I see myself for the last few years, because I do deserve happiness just like everyone else does. It is just a long process. It is not something that is instant or done over night. It is something you have to constantly work at and commit too. I have come a long ways since I started doing this, but there is always more work to be done!

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