Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Third Eye

So what is the third eye? The third eye rests on the forehead above the two physical eyes. It is said to be the focal point in spiritual development. It is known as the eye of Horus in ancient Egyptian legends and there are teachings of it from Christianity to Buddhists. Across the whole globe for years it has been known. So if you don't believe it exists then how come its been known since the dawn of time? It is known to hold great power, your higher self, or your soul. It helps with the development of psychic talents, and is also known physically as the pineal gland. Pineal glands in humans have been for the most part mainly been dormant in humans. Scientific studies of the pineal gland have been rumored that the more active this gland is in a human the more that human seems to be aware of things and know things they couldn't have known before. They are recorded as psychics or highly intuitive individuals. Here is the link to explain more in depth what this eye is about.

In any case, this past week I have started to open my eye. It is about 25 percent of the way open and let me tell you I am still trying to get used to the effects. The energies I feel and sense are heightened, I am starting to get more visions and much of the time I don't need my cards in order to activate my seer's ability. My Medium abilities are getting stronger. I was able to channel a dead spirit for the first time inside my body and all I can say is, it was strange.

I sometimes have so many voices and visions in my head that I don't know exactly what is going on half the time. Things in my head are a bit fuzzy but still cant rule out the intuition and the feeling that someone else was in control of my body. It just felt weird. However, I disclose to those who believe in psychics that I am not a strong psychic like Sylvia Browne or Chris. Half the time I don't know what I'm seeing means, and sometimes I don't even know if my impressions or intuition is correct. All I know is sometimes what I see and what I feel seems to either come true or be true on some level, even if it is the most basic level. Not only that but the future is not set in stone. It can change with every small decision you make. Also I really feel that Psychic is a bad word because I don't consider myself psychic. I consider myself a seer, a medium, and highly intuitive. Not only that but I don't do readings for people for money. I do it for free when I feel like it. And most of the time they are for people of friends and family. Mainly it is for practice and for fun. One of the main reasons why people who use the word psychic get ridiculed because most of them are fake.

One of the rules I was taught by my spirit guide is to never charge for services. They told me that I was meant to help others without personal gain and getting money or accepting money to make a big profit,  for readings is personal gain. There is only one Claimed Psychic that I feel is a true anomaly in the "Psychic Business" and that is Sylvia Browne, but I don't agree with her tactics to charge tons of money just to help people. All that is doing reinforcing the stereotype and taking money from people who are probably poor and putting it on their credit cards and creating more debt in this failing economy. How is that helping anyone? Think about it. How is charging people to help them, really helping them?

If she really saw the events or changes that are to come in this world, you would think she would do more than just do readings to help others. Or charging to be members of her inner circle website? How is charging helping people in this economy? If I were as strong as her in her abilities, then the only thing Id do is is charge for travel costs if I have to travel to other states and other countries but doing readings for profit? I don't think I would do that no matter how poor or desperate I get.  I don't know why I get so irritated with her. I love her because she is an amazing true psychic, I can sense that just by looking at her picture, but I hate her at the same time for reinforcing stereotypes and making a profit off of her seems so wrong to me. Sighs...

Another Psychic I must blog about is Allison Dibois. From what I can tell about her, is she is just Highly intuitive and isn't really psychic either. Don't get me wrong, the TV show that was inpired by her is really entertaining, but Her intuition and abilities aren't that strong, she gets mixed signals a lot and doesn't always know the things she claims to know. She only thinks she knows. Her third eye hasn't opened yet, and so she isn't as strong as she thinks she is. Sylvia Browne, however, has her third eye completely open. I get the sense that Sylvia was a very high Ranking Isis priestess in a lot of her past lives. She was always a strong Seer, medium in many of her past lives and that power has accumulated in her soul where as Alison Dibois, this is her first life gaining any sense of psychic talents. She has newbie status compared to Sylvia.

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