Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The first spell - letting go of a past lover.

on October 31st 2010 I had cast my first spell. At the time I was still trying to get over my ex. It took me about a couple of weeks before I felt comfortable to try and cast a spell. The date was obviously Halloween or what pagans like to call  Samhain. I decided to try a letting go of past love spell on myself. After all it was a new year for pagans so I thought what a great way to welcome the new year by letting go of my past love and moving on into a new year. I basically did a simple candle spell. However, I ran into an issue. my alter at the time sat right below my fire alarm and burning stuff made it go off so I had to end things quickly. But anyway here's the spell.

Write on a piece of paper the name of your past lover/boyfriend etc,
Light a white candle
Chant this while you set the piece of paper on fire and put it in the culdrun to burn

"Godess help me to move on and look towards the future and to let go of the past lover.

I let go of (insert name here) in my heart.
Allow healing, learning, and growth.
A new beginning this year,
Refreshed and ready to love again
So none may be harmed,
if this is your will so mote it be"

Then after let the piece of paper burn to ashes, Then toss the ashes outside on the ground or in the wind.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! The only problem I would have is burning the paper. If my parents smelled smoke they'd get the wrong idea :P

    Anyway, I thought I'd say I appreciate your input on the tarot post I did. The cards can be interpreted so many different ways, you're never positive what will happen. But, especially if there's some sort of question, they can probably provide a bit of clairity. Even if not, I love cards, and I think they will help me develop phsychic skills eventually. ...Hopefully xD
