Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Financial Success/money spell

So I did a Money/Financial success spell. Since I work at the lovely McDonalds, I really don't get paid much, and then I have a ton of student loans to pay off due to going to a private university out of state. Expensive! I have issues trying to get everything paid, even with differment's. I really don't have much when it comes to finances. So in order to help me financially I did spell.

I made a sachet full of money success herbs and a green stone I think is jade. I sew up my own sachet from green material.

Herbs I used were Cinnamon, Cinnamon stick, Basil, Ginger, Jasmine, Majoram, and Sage. Cinnamon because it brings success, Sage because of wisdom, so wisdom of money usage as well as purification and protection so that harm does not come to me or to others while the spell manifests and works. Basil because it is known to bring wealth. Ginger because it is to bring success and wealth,  Jasmine to draw in money and Majoram is also a good money bringing herb. I used a fourth of a Cinnamon stick to also put inside the sachet and the stick is not chopped up in order to amplify the power of money and success mixed in with all these herbs.

The stone I used, I didn't exactly know what it is, but it is a green stone, and when I held it and asked if it was for the use of drawing money and financial success, it said yes and felt right. So I used it.

I lite up a Myrrh Incesne stick, White candle and asked them to protect my sacred space. I then lit a gold mini candle to draw on the powers of success

Then in my head while holding the satchet, I imagined my bills paid, money coming in, and success at my job, and saving money. I then procceeded to whisper out the spell:

By the power of these herbs and this stone
Create Financial success and stability,
Bring money to me so that I may pay my bills and save money,
Bless others and harm none
So mote it be

Ok so I am not that good at writing out words for spells, so I just tell it what to do, and visualize my intentions. I Know this spell will not harm anyone. I was once told you couldn't do spells for any type of personal gain, but I don't fully believe that. If personal gain means greedy evil idiots who do money spells in the name of greed and if their intentions aren't pure then yes that is bad and dangerous. However, with pure intentions and not doing it for soley greedy purposes then I think it is ok in order to enhance your life so that you may continue to bless others with your gifts the way God/Goddess intended you to use your gifts. I have full confidence that this spell Will work. I know it will work. Anyway it's off to work I go!


  1. Hi,
    I find nothing wrong with doing prosperity/money spells as long as you say 'with harm to none'.
    Brightest Blessings,

  2. I know many money spells can be successful but after a while you see changes. its better to make sure if the spell is not harmful in anyway
