Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ghosts and dreams

There is this philosophy where our astral projection dreams are the real reality. I believe it to a certain extent. Not every dream we have we are astral projecting, however, for me they happen quite often. The recent one being last night. I was outside of my body sleeping when I kept hearing a strange male voice coming to check up on me. It wasn't my dad because for some strange reason I was sleeping in my dad's room so I was pretty close by to my father. I could hear footsteps but couldn't really see anyone but I could feel their presence. They weren't evil. I think it was a very confused ghost because at one point he declared he wanted to protect me from all kinds of harm and loves me etc, and even brushed my hair out of my face. Then the next time he came back to check on me he was furious, and started becoming malevolent, and I don't remember why. I think it is because he wanted me in a way I could not be with him because of being in love with my twin star. As he was getting angry I ran scared like a little girl and hopped into my dads bed and said there was a ghost, and to protect me. My dad did so. I woke up in my room, and felt an odd presence, so it had to have been a real ghost.

Anyway the next dream is kind of more obvious... it wasn't an astral projection dream, but I woke up breathing rather hard. Me and my Bf's friends were going to go to valley fair, a theme park with tons of fun rides to go on. It's almost like a six flags, but anyway, we were heading down there when a huge f6 tornado seemed to appear with other mini tornado's all around. The tornado's were also throwing lightning fire balls (dont ask me how that is possible) and destroying everything. We kept on driving, trying to drive through the storm so that we could find some place safe to hide, but while dodging the lightning balls, we swerved right into one of the twisters and went up to the air. I woke up panting, but when I went back to sleep the dream continued on, like there was no disruption. We landed safely on the road somehow, I think it was because 3 of the 5 of us are magick users and probably did something to help land safely. Then like we were at the mall down town and some of us got out to stretch and find out whats going on. There were many people who were hurt and emergency help came from all over the place, so we started to help. I got separated from my boyfriend and his friends. The tornado's were still going. I was scared as hell that I lost him and something happened. I kept calling his cell phone, texting, and no answer. I was livid and crying in the dream, and still he never came back in the dream. I woke up scared. 

The tornado dream I think represents the issues I have with separation anxiety. I try not to freak out if my bf doesn't call me or text me everyday. I know he was busy yesterday with his friends after work, and me not freaking out if he doesn't get back to me, doesn't always work. I think its a past life thing with how badly my separation anxiety can get sometimes. Because I am like that with every boyfriend, it's like I'm afraid to lose them. When I was with one of my other ex-boyfriends I always had dreams he disappeared and I was distraught in all of those dreams. Sigh...

Anyway I had more strange dreams, but they really aren't that significant. These two are the ones I remembered more vividly than the others. Anyway I had to get them off my mind. I hope my twin star didn't get hurt at work or something. Hopefully my bf contacts me today so we can follow through with our plans for today.

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