Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Day's Events.

Ok, So today I am sorry I didn't get a chance to blog until now. It has been a really exhausting day. Last night I undid my money spell. I found out that Money spells are really tricky and should be avoided casting on yourself or others that would benefit you. Basically if you cast a money spell to help a neighbor or a stranger you don't really know that well, then it works. But your self or people around you that would make you a benefactor for it uh.. not so much. I had pure intentions and everything and it still backfired. I'm still not going into details  of it . Wiccan's believe it is ok to do this if you harm none, But I'd have to go with no anyway.

Also another thing I learned from this is always bubble yourself and put up shields before doing any magick. Normally I do, but for some stupid idiot reason I forgot or decided not to on a subconscious level. I had opened myself to bad spirits. I had a really frightening nightmare about a past life. And in this past life, I was a very powerful witch and I had gotten angry because I was a princess in a war, and my lover was the enemies son. My father, the king was going to try to make peace with the other kingdom and have me marry their son who was my lover anyway, but arguments got intense, and they called of the wedding. I was furious. I had summoned the prince of darkness himself to kill someone, I don't remember who, but I was pissed off to the point I wanted to kill them, and well it backfired, and got possessed and died in possession. When I had woken up, well, I couldn't move. My body was stiff as a board as if I had died, eventually I was able to move and stuff but it was freakier than hell. Part of me is even afraid to go to bed tonight, but I know I can't be afraid cuz it will make matters worse. Sigh. Anyway, For all those beginners who do not shield or form the sacred circle around yourself, most likely you will have dreams or night terrors similar to mine.

So In the morning, I woke up feeling like I hadn't slept, I knew what I had to do. I had to cleanse everything. My whole self, body, mind and soul. I did this by doing a ritual bath meditation thing. I took a shower burning Myrrh incense in order to get the purification and cleansing energy and combined it with the waters energy. I did  my regular visual meditation of me bathing in a rainbow colored waterfall. When I got out, I felt like I slept 8 hours peacefully and was wide awake, energized and ready to go on with my day.

However,  I also had to clense my room and make sure the spell is completely broken first by burying the stone I used as well as the little green baggy, the cinnimon stick that I took out, outside in the ground so the energies can be cleansed and also make sure the spell energy is completely gone.  I brought out my wand to draw my protection circle outside on the ground barefoot, lit a white candle for protection, as well as frankincense for protection and cleansing, and  told the objects I was burying that I took back the spell and that they have no more power. Then I meditated and cleansed myself with the wind and earth energies like with that the shower did. The candle also represented fire cleansing as well. So I cleansed myself wit all four elements. Then  I grounded myself and went back inside to cleanse my room.

I  re-cleanse/anoint my candles, Cleanse my room, and the area I worked at. Then I put up more shields and barriers around my room as well as draw the circle of protection on my altar with my wand, so that my supplies are also extra protected. Then I drew protective runes in the air going from north east south then west. As well as add protective energy to my dream catcher so that I can have good dreams tonight. After I felt that I was confident and satisfied everything was cleansed to my satisfaction, I finally stopped using magick and started getting ready for work.

So by the time I get dressed and go to work I am magically, mentally exhausted and physically as well because of being magically drained. Oh there's still plenty of power but I am not used to using all that power all at once, especially over all the magick I used over the last couple of days. Lets just say no more magick for me for a few days.

Anyway I'm not afraid nor worry about anything. I made a mistake, learned from it, tried correcting the mistake, and then cleansed and grounded, as well as giving some of my gems/ rocks to the ground as a gift. I did that as well when I went outside. I cleansed some rocks I though would be good to give to mother earth and father sky/god/goddess as a gift so I buried those as well and apologized for the error I made, and that I hope they accept my gifts as a way to try and compensate and repent for my mistake. Also if anything more bad happens I have a few others like me who will be able to help me if something more bad happens. Hopefully not. But with the 3x3 rule who knows?

Anyway I Just got off my shift about an hour ago and wanted to blog about it all as well as my exhaustion from work. I only worked 6 hours, but it was a long night/day. I hope I can relax and be safe in my twin stars arms soon. I miss him so much. If I could fly, Id be there in his arms right now sound a sleep.

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