Monday, April 4, 2011

Studying Metaphysics and Magick

There is something I'd like to get off my chest about modern day Metaphysics school and magick school. First off as a pagan I do not believe that any kind of magick or metaphysical studies should be limited to a school system of stupid rules where people telling you that you can't do this type of magick because you haven't studied this or that for a year, or they tell you  it takes years of practice of one thing before you can get to another. When ever I ask questions about more advanced magick in the forums, and stuff, they all say I need to be "properly trained" or go to school for years to just study the basics.

I am sorry, but I think that is a bunch of crap. For one Every witch is different in their abilities, yes there are some people who need to practice for years of one thing like cleansing, and the basics because that is how they learn and grow. Other witches like myself, I have a natural ability to learn fast, as well as a lot of power to back it up. I am in every sense of the word  a natural witch, due to being in powerful magicks since my very first life. In the last 3 months I have learned the basics of Cleansing, protection and shield work, healing, Divination with Angel Oracle cards, as well as knowing how to create and do spells, as well as being able to create different energy balls based on the elements of Light, dark, earth, air, fire, water, and lightning. I have even been mixing and matching to create water and light energy plus I can combine the basic four elements into my shields for ultimate protection. I can even create a barrier that hides my energies so I am undetectable by other magick users. Who is to say what I am and am not ready for? I am getting bored practicing all this beginner-intermediate stuff. I want to learn more and see what else I can do. What else is there left for me to learn?

I am also a natural medium as well. I have been able to do telepathic medium ship. I don't know really How I do it, but there are times where I have been in homes and different places where someone has recently died, or I am giving a card reading to someone, and the deceased loved ones card comes up and some how I end up talking to their dead loved ones in my head.  Not including all the ghosts and spirits I dream about in my Astral Projection dreams.

Also another thing Other people's spells and rituals never work for me. I usually have to make up my own spells and rituals in order for anything to really work for me. Another thing about magick schools that bug me is the fact they have already laid out spells, and rituals you have to take part in like its a concrete thing you must do in order to worship a deity or master a certain type of magick. Sorry, but that will not work for me nor will it help me learn anything. I have been checking out metaphysical and magick schools just because I am curious, and I think its a bunch of crap in order to get money for a Teacher's services. The longer you study the basics the more money they can get as students patiently learn this stuff. Seems like another corrupted church thing. Not only that, but since there is a veil on magick that separates the magickal world from the physical world, much of the knowledge of what real magick is all about has been lost through out the centuries. It saddens me, and frustrates me. Hopefully when magick comes back to physical plane, that we will all be able to understand it better, and actually advance as the way we used to do to.

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