Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Next Step-learning about my full power.

After reading the page on Wicca news about books on How to live Wiccan, it has come to my attention that pagan books on how to live your life pagan are not so much around. On the website it says thus:

"I have noticed that, while there are many books about Wicca, there are not many on how to live as a Wiccan. Compare the titles in the Pagan section of a bookstore with those on Christianity, or Christian living; there is a book for Christians on just about every aspect of life. There are even Christian diet books. (Are You Eating With Me, Jesus?) How many books have you seen on how to live as a Wiccan when life sucks? How to face life’s worst moments and most difficult challenges? Where are the books on surviving grief, abuse, and loss and still maintaining your faith as a Wiccan? How to bring your entire life in alignment with your values, and how Wicca influences those values, or should? How, if everything is sacred, every choice we make from what to eat to what shoes to buy is an expression of our spiritual beliefs?" (

On a more broader note, I think it should include not just Wicca, but Druidism, and many other pagan faiths. There aren't very many books out there period on how to deal with new spiritual gifts as they develop, and how to stop being afraid of your own gifts. Or advice on how to handle certain spiritual situations that seem like you are in over your head. How do you know or find your limit's safely?  So many questions about daily living as a pagan, and yet no books on how to guide us. It's like we are almost on our own in order to discover things for ourselves, but at the same time if not being careful or through inexperience, a person can make bad things happen without realizing it. Paganism is not just about spells or being witches. It's about a way of living, and a part of who you are as a person. Knowing who you are, what you are capable of, and knowing how strong you are.

If you don't know who you are, what your capable of, or how strong you can be, it's scary. All I know is without the support of other pagans and witches, and spiritual guides, I would not have been able to find myself or accept myself for who I really am, and even then I am not done with my journey. There is still so much to learn about myself and yet there's a part of me that is afraid. Afraid of what I might find out about my past, or realize my full strength in power, and how that knowledge may affect me, and the people around me. I don't want to be afraid of what I'm possibly capable of. So thus starts my journey on pushing boundaries and limits with magick.

Disclosure: do not worry I already know the basics in harm none. I do not use magick to harm others nor take money when I practice on others if I have permission. All my intentions are pure, and I assure any other witches or pagans reading this that I will not harm anyone. I just want to test out my powers and push myself to find my limits on my power.

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