Friday, April 1, 2011

Cleansing Rituals

One of the first lessons I learned as a Witch is cleansing. I think all Witches need to do this as their first lessons. It aids in protection, learning control with emotions as well as magick, and it is easy and very basic. For me I have two methods to cleansing. For me I learned how to do it by accident, as in I just knew how without even looking it up. Back in Sept/ Oct I was getting headaches that wouldn't go away. I started visualizing white light healing my head before I went to bed one night and when I woke up it was gone. I realized what I did was not only heal myself but cleansed a really cluttered up area in my aura and crown chakra. I wanted to find out what exactly what I was doing and how I was doing it so I researched it and found out what I was doing was cleansing. I try to do it as often as I can.

First method would be for cleansing your space, aka the space you live in, or the altar or where you preform rituals or cast spells. There are many methods to doing this. If you are a visual person, imagine any unwanted energies (negative, harmful, evil) disappearing/ going away/ or put into the ground to be cleansed by the earth.  If you are more of a physical person, walking around your room/apartment/house burning white sage/ sage/ frankincense/ or Myrrh incense (or a combination if you make them yourself), and feel how the unwanted energies are leaving or disappearing or going away. I do a combination of the two because I like to see the energies leave as well as feel it being banished. For me it makes sense to do both visual cleansing and burning incense. I Mostly do the Native American technique of Smudging as in burning sage or white sage and letting everything hit the smoke. I use the energy being burned off of the smoke and visualize any unwanted energies disappearing as I am walking around my room and sometimes spinning around in circles.

Second Technique is to help cleanse your aura, physical body, and or chakra's if you have any gunk blocking the Chakra points. If you don't know what they are. I suggest googling it or going to this website to explain what it is. Basically I do a ritual bath and/or shower about once a week (don't worry I shower more than once a week) where I burn cleansing/ purification incense like Myrrh or Frankincense while I shower. I imagine any unwanted energies on my body, in my aura, and/or Chakras being washed away from the water pouring down on me and into the earth. I am a natural water element so I feel like I'm on cloud 9, and go into instant visual meditation mode where I am cleansing everything on my body as well as my spiritual body. I imagine I am bathing in a pool/lake/river that has a small safe rainbow colored waterfall for bathing in.

Disclosure: For some this may be hard to do because I am aware that some beginners have to constantly work at improving their powers in order to do this all at once. I am just blogging about it because for me it feels amazing and would like to share the technique with others. It does feel amazing. Sometimes I am really tired mentally, physically, and emotionally, but after doing this ritual shower cleansing, I feel energized, rejuvenated, and my body doesn't feel as sore anymore. Also not one method works for everyone. You can search and find other cleansing methods on the net. Particularly at Wicca is a good resource.

Also, after doing this any magick and before doing any magick, I ground myself, as in putting some of my energy as well as any excess energy from the ritual going into the ground so that I feel even better. I do this because sometimes I get a build up of excess magick energy if I don't use magick for a few days.

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