Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dream Protection

So I had a lot of nightmares last night. Sometimes when I am really exhausted I get a lot of nightmares, or something. I have a dream catcher with amethyst stones to help ward of bad dreams. However, every once in awhile it doesn't always work. My sachet that I made didn't seem to work so I decided to redo it and cleanse my dream catcher and imbued it with  more protection energies, as well as have a back up just in case.

I lit up a white candle, did the usual protection circle, burned some Dragon's Blood Incense, etc and proceeded with the activities.

Herbs I used were, garlic, Basil, Lavander, Jasmine, sea salt, Bay leaf, ginger, sage, and angelica

The stone(s) I used was amethysts.

Basically mixed up the herbs concentrating on pure protection as I added each herb. I imagined any dream demons being banished and any other harmful entities being banished while I slept.  Then I wrote down my objective on a piece of paper and put it in the pouch just for clarification, and put the stone and herbs into the sachet.

Then I held my dream catcher over some burning white sage to smudge and cleanse the dream catcher. I held it in my hand imagining white light surrounding it and surrounding myself while I slept. I told it to protect me from bad dreams, as well as protect me from evil entities or harmful entities. and imagined all protection energies inside this dream catcher. I was then done so I closed up shop.

I felt better.. loads better after doing this.

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