Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A basic Update

I am sorry,  I have not been able to write for a few days. I have been working very odd shifts at McDonald's and on my off time I have been resting instead of doing any pagan work. This past week I have been doing Early mornings and overnights. Its quite exhausting. I put in 14 hours on Friday. This basic update is about how I am doing and what is to come. I have some plans. Anyways, aside from working a lot, I have been watching Ghost Whisperer on Netflix and trying to get as much sleep as I can. I think tonight I am going to smoke some wild grass or make it into a tea so that I can be sedated and get lots of rest tonight.

As far as what is to come so far as I know, is I have a plan to do a self mediation on the next full moon. I want to know where the true source of my rage and anger comes from. My teacher says that anger can disrupt the balance inside you and in order to have full control of magicks you have to be balanced. Doing a spell under the influence of harmful and negative emotions, can mess up the spell you are doing or mess up any kind of magick that you try to do under the influence of these emotions. It will be about getting inside my mind and looking deep inside myself to find the answers I see.

Also I have written a few protection spells I would like to share but it will be tomorrow or on a different day. At the present moment I don't have the energy to write them out.

Anyway I hope everyone's days are blessed and full of light and love!

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