Monday, April 11, 2011

Mastering thyself- Forgiveness-anger banishing ritual

One important lessions I just figured out this weekend  about magick was in order to fully wield magick you must first master yourself. I have come to realize I am a rageful person, an angry person because I have a lot of pent up anger from the years of being casted out by society, teased, ridiculed, and I have been raped a couple of times too. There have been many people in my life who have hurt me. In order to fully understand the magick within me, and around me, I first must let all of this anger go. I must learn to control my emotions better, as well as control my anger when I do become angry. It is not easy for me.

First step is to think about the source of all this anger and rage that had been built up inside me. The first source comes from my own family. My mother had a way worse child hood than most. She was abused on all levels from her family. She herself is angrier than I am. She doesn't realize this though, but she puts the load of anger onto the people around her. Particularly me. I have felt what she has been feeling for years. I think it is because I am an empath, but my empathic abilities have been out of balance and stuff because of all the anger that is around me. And because of my out of balance empath ability, I have not been able to gain my full empath abilities. My natural defense reaction is to get angry right back and put it back in her face. Which I know makes things worse. Most of the time the theory of fighting fire with fire doesnt work. All it does is amplify the emotional energies.

 I feel bad because I know I have hurt my mother in the past due to this. I do not blame my mother for anything that has happened to me in my life. Everyone has issues, its just she's in a constant state of denial, where as I am brave enough to try and fix what is wrong and the issues I go through in life.  In essence, I must put a wall up in order to block the anger coming from my mother, as well as forgiving her for giving me so much anger in the first place.

Second step is to forgive EVERYONE who has ever hurt me and let that anger go away. Weather it be my mother, my father, my ex boyfriend, friends, or even past life anger that has survived into this life. Thus I created a ritual to do daily or even mentally in my head so that I can do a symbolic representation of letting go of anger and resent ment.  Getting angry is generally ok, its natural, and apart of human life, but if you can't let go of it, move on, and not let other peoples actions hold power over you anymore. Basically become a survivor and stop being the victim.

The ritual supplies: White candle, a ceramic bowl, piece of paper, purification/protection incesense. ( You can alter this to fit your needs if you wish). I prefer to go outside to do this ritual because I love being in the presense of nature and the natural elements. Not only that but it wont set off the fire alarms in my house.

After going outside cast barriers around yourself and/or a protection circle.
Light the white candle and sprinkle some incense around the candle.
Then burn some of the incesense.
Write the names of the people who make you angry and people you need to forgive.
Put the piece of paper with all the names on it up against the candle and inside th circle of incense.
Say this prayer/devotion/spell out loud

I forgive these people whose names I have written,
I let go of all my anger towards them.
Help me to heal from the wounds they helped inflicton my heart.
Purify my heart.
Banish Anger and resentment
Manifest love, peace, tranquility, and healing inside my heart so I feel complete
So that harm comes to no one
If this is your will, so mote it be

Then light the piece of paper on fire, and put it in the ceramic bowl to burn.
Take the ashes and let them fly into the wind and visualize/imagine your anger energy flying away and letting forgiveness, light, peace, and love flow inside you.

Then let the candle burn out (mini candles are best for this) and burn the incense herbs around the candle.
Then say out loud
Prayer/devotion/spell is done.
Thank you Goddess/God/ diety
Let your will be done.

Then ground yourself and visualize any excess energy being put back into the ground.
After you feel better go back inside and write in your spiritual journal/book of shadows how you feel afterwards.
Then go about your day/evening as usual.

I am not entirely sure how much this ritual should be done. For some, maybe it need's to be done everyday, others just every once in awhile in order to just be a reminder. Maybe only monthly. It all depends on you and how you feel.

Remember, Master thyself!

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