Thursday, April 21, 2011

self made pendulum-necklace

I had bought some quartz crystals last night. This is the Quartz Crystal necklace I made for my Boyfriend. I made it so it can be used as a pendulum or a Scrying Crystal.  I know how to make hemp necklaces so that is what I did with this one. I'm going to make another one for myself, however I might use lapiz luzile stone instead of quartz crystal since I already have a stone for scrying with. I have amethyst necklace I made but Lapiz Luzile is a more powerful stone of protection and psychic awareness. Especially since the moment I brought it into my home, I was astral projecting all night and getting prophetic dreams. I can't wait to present this gift to my boyfriend. He is going to absolutely love it!

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