Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Powerful Medicine Bag

So when I first started on my path, in order to help protect myself from evil and demons, I made a medicine bag designed for that purpose. Yes I know Medicine bags are mainly a Native American thing, but some of the most powerful medicine as well as spirituality comes from Native Americans. I am part Native American myself and since I use many of my cleansing techniques from Native Americans, I felt it was only natural to make myself a Medicine Bag. However, it is an alternate form of it. I decided to draw the protection rune on it as well as imbued it with the power to repel evil spirits and demons.

The ingredients include a small baggy of a mixture of herbs, as well as stones and gems.

The list of stones of what is inside includes: Jade, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Clear crystal Quartz, Amethyst, Hematite, Adventurine, Moss Aget, Red Aget, Citrine, Blood stone, Snow flake Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Smokey Quartz and Petrified Wood, and a raw uncut version of Rose Quartz.

The list of herbs I mixed are: Garlic, Basil, Bay leaf, Thyme, Rosemary, Marjoram, Cinnamon, Ginsing, Mint, White Sage, and Green Sage.  I mixed them up and put them in a small bag so it doesn't get all over the place.

Then after putting it all together I cleansed my alter area, Lit up a dragon's blood Incense to protect my sacred space as well as use the power in dragons blood to be channeled into the medicine bag, I then also proceeded to light a White Candle for protection, and to draw on its power as well. I then told all the stones and the herbs the purpose of this bag. I imagined a very powerful indestructible barrier around myself and Imagine Demons and evil spirits as well as evil itself running away from me. I drew power from the Candle, the incense, as well as myself, and the rune in order to put it all into this medicine bag.

I know some of the stones and herbs weren't meant for protection, but they are there for healing as well as helping to purify the contents when needed, as well as amplifying the power if needed, so that I won't have to cleanse the contents as often as I would have had to if I didn't put them in there. It is a very powerful amulet/medicine bag, and serves my protection needs well.

Disclosure: However, I think at times I may have made it too powerful, and is more of a weapon against demons and evil spirits. When ever I touch it or hold it, I feel the energies a bit overwhelming. Also I have learned to put up proper barriers without it, but I still carry it around just in case. Also the quartz crystal is something I take out and use for healing every so often when needed. After all medicine bags were orriginally meant for healing. I just altered it so that as I am learning magick, nothing bad or evil comes around to sabotage my magick or hurt me.  If you want to make one for yourself, it's a bit expensive to get all the stones, but you can pick and choose which ones feel right to you, as well as the herbs.  Herbs are inexpensive. I used the herbs that you can get at grocery stores. 

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