Monday, April 4, 2011


Ok for the last hour or so I have been trying to gaze into this quartz crystal to see if I can learn the art of Scrying. I was successful. I stared into it, concentrated on it and finally when I was able to feel the crystal's energy and mix it with my energy, I ended up getting images in my head about the crystal. It showed me the cave it came from and how a man had cut it down from the ceiling. Then it showed me how it was traded, and sold, multiple times, and finally it came to where it was supposed to be, and that was with me. I asked it how scrying work's and I found my answer. On other websites they don't fully explain How it works, it explains how to do it. And its the same or similar process for any divination tool, or for different methods of scrying.

Quartz Crystal Scrying, This one I know is the most popular, I know why. First thing's first, How Crystal scrying works is when you start staring at it and meditate, you start attuning your energies with the Crystal's energies. Doing that is also called mixing the energies together. You then open the pathway of communication to the stone's memories and knowledge. However, it goes both ways, once you attune your energy with the crystal, the crystal can then see your soul and thus know everything about you. It then is able to redirect what it knows to you by letting you see yourself. It will project the knowledge you want to ask about yourself as well as the people around you because your energy also is attuned to other energies. When you scry for complete strangers all you are doing is taking some of their energies and letting the crystal look at their energies and thus projecting answers about other people as well as yourself. However, it doesn't work as good for strangers because their energies are new to you.

The reason why quartz crystals are more popular is because it amplifies energies. Quartz crystals can help amplify powers and thus amplifying what you see. Not only that but they also absorb energies quickly, and thus it is a better stone for beginners to learn Scrying with. Also note you can use quartz crystals to help aid you in contacting your spirit guides as well as past life transgressions, and summoning if you are able to summon. That is a higher magick technique though from what I hear and dangerous if you do not know what you are doing so I suggest don't try to summon anything unless you know what you are doing. Also you can also use other crystals, and for some witches other crystals might work better for this process than a quartz crystal so I suggest using multiple crystals and find out what works better.

Mirrior Scrying: Basically you are projecting your own energies into the mirror and what do mirrors do? Reflect. All mirrior divination is doing is reflecting back to your own energies and thus reflecting what your subconscious knows. I haven't tried this method but I already feel this is a weaker technique at least for me.

Water Scrying: Basically does the same thing as Mirror scrying except water absorbs energies the way Quartz Crystals do and thus will most likely be able to project and reflect energies. Since I am a natural water element, I can see myself doing water scrying.

Oracle cards and Tarrot cards: after reading everything this should be a no brainier because you attune your energies to the cards and basically do the same thing with everything else. Except the words and pictures on the cards trigger the knowledge that is already with in you.

Pendulums: Ok pendulums are kind of annoying to me because all you get to do is ask yes or no questions, Id rather do the whole quartz crystal gazing, and get better reception/ transmission. How pendulums work is you attune your energies to the crystal (it can be any crystal like amethysts or citrine) and let it hang down from a cord. Depending on the energies in the crystal it will swing one way for yes and one way for no. Again your energy is just swinging the crystal making things you already know resurface in yes or no questions. Or if you make your own letter pad it can also spell out stuff like an Ouija board does. I dunno about anyone else but my preference is to stay away from any type of Ouija boards, even if it is self made.

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