Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Battle of Light and Dark

So, ever since Christianity rose to power, there is a ton of misconceptions about light and darkness.

First misconception is that there is supposed to be a battle for light and dark or good v.s. Evil. Christians think Light should overcome everything. There is supposed to be both in the world to create balance. If there is too much darkness it throws off the universe. Same with too much Light in the world.

Second misconception is that darkness automatically means Evil. Which is not entirely true. People have both light and dark in them and in order to have peace with one's self, one must love and embrace their dark side as well as their light side. It has to be balanced in yourself as well as in the universe.

"It is in the darkest hour of the darkest night that the light shines the brightest; for darkness is not the absence of light but its opposite and its equal. To have one without the other would leave both empty and fulfilled." - Riley

A person using ’dark’ magic is not a bad person nor is using it evil. It is the intent of any user that makes it one or the other. If you do not know darkness, how can you fight it? If you do not love the darkness in yourself, how can you love others? To not use and/or understand both leaves you magically weaker. It can also lead to psychological problems.

Light is not meant to dominate over darkness and darkness is not meant to dominate over light.  It really bugs me when Christians think you have to get rid of the darkness inside you in order to be whole or completely pure. NOT TRUE!! If Darkness and light were meant to be battled for, light or darkness would have won years ago, and not constantly and continually complimenting the other.

"Everyone has light and darkness inside them, it is which one you chose to act on that makes who you are" -Sirius Black from Harry Potter.

The whole deal between light and darkness is based on intent, and which you choose to act on. For example everyone feels like they want to kill someone or something every once in awhile. It is just part of nature to get angry and think things out of anger. However, if you choose not to actually kill them, then you are acting on light and not evil. I know that is a bit of an extreme example but darkness doesn't always mean evil. You can have dark thoughts or tendencies and use dark magick for the intent of protection or for healing, and thus you are not evil. However, healing and protection magick with dark energy is extremely complicated and hard to explain, and not recommended unless you know what you are doing, and have absolutely pure intentions! Or at least to me it seems complicated.

Some of the most powerful protection barriers are made of dark energy because dark energy is basically absorbing things like a black hole vortex. Sometimes creating a dark energy ball can absorb attacks, and in shields and barriers it can absorb physical attacks as well. However, I wouldn't suggest it unless you know you can control dark energy. Uncontrolled dark energy is very disastrous and can harm you as well as others if you do not know how to control it. So do not do it unless you are 1000 percent sure you can control it.

Also if you think about it Darkness at night has several advantages, not only do most people feel more powerful magically at night and in the dark, but also biologically it made other predators unable to attack because of not being able to see in the dark, and thus humans slept safely at night. If darkness has the ability to help us, how is it evil?

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