Monday, June 6, 2011

Friendship repair spell

Copyright: Nevaeh Jasmine

 If you ever find yourself in need to repair a friendship, I just created this spell. Mainly because I had a friend I thought was long gone but according to some of our mutual aquantences, apparently this ex friend is missing me, and to be quite honest I miss her too some days. Wondering if I was too harsh, maybe I should have communicated more, or did something different but yet still stood my ground.

I am human and I know most of us may not be able to handle certain types of situations with grace and finesse that it sometimes requires.  I am still unsure I want to be friends with her. I don't trust her but she needs me. I may not be able to put out as much effort but one of my best qualities is I am a very good friend to people I care about, and I have not stopped caring about this person. Her and I had been friends for over ten years. I used to look up to her when I was a freshman because she is a little bit older than I am, and at the time considered her the sister I never had.

Candles colors: White, Blue, and Green
White for protection, Blue for meditation and peace, and green for friendships and healing

Anyway for herbs I used Lavender, Jasmine, Vervarian root pieces, Eucalyptus leaves, and rose buds.
 I used lavender and jasmine because it is associated with peace, Vervarian because it can be associated with friendships as well as rosebuds, and Eucalyptus leaves because it is a healing herb. The vibes I wanted to send were Peace, friendship, and healing. Peace of mind, repairing friendship, and Healing our wounds from the fight/issues that were going on.

Write on a piece of paper of the name ( and possible the intent and objective) of the person you are trying to repair the friendship with.

Once all the supplies have been gathered, the herbs should be put into a ceramic bowl, the candles lit, and whatever incense you would like to use. I used rose smelling incense for Friendship love.

Put the piece of paper inside the ceramic bowl with the unburned herbs.

Recide this spell/words/poem, and imagine healing and love, friendship, and understanding, and peace between the two of you.

 I wish to repair this friendship. 
Let anger, resentment, and issues surrounding it
be worked out and replace any harmful energies
With love, peace, patience, and understanding
so no harm comes anyone.
If this is your will so mote it be.

Then light the piece of paper on fire so that the herbs are also being burned into the sky. Then put holy water over the ashes.  (yes this will create a mess..) Then dump the ashes and gunk on the ground outside (if you are doing it inside) so that mother earth can do its healing. 

Close the spell and do whatever it is you need to do to repair your friendship as in writing letters/notes/ making a phone call/ etc. May the goddess bless you.

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