Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wierd Dream about my ex- maybe hes dead or will be dead?

I had this dream about my ex. It was strange. I was viewing episodes of a show but it was wierd because I was in it. I was watching myself getting in contact with My ex Who I feel I had left things unresolved with. I am over the relationship but I spent 2 years with this guy and I still think about him and dream about him from time to time... And in any case I had contacted him in the dream and it was hard for him but he was willing to be friends again. We played dnd with my twin flame and his friends. Then since he found out I was going to the convention that he goes to every year, We decided to go drive down to this convention that we had gone before. We got stuck in minneapolis somewhere and there were all kinds of creatures everywhere. I had to do something and I think at some point we got lost, and then find eachother again. Anyway we decide to keep driving to this convention and somehow while he was driving this girl in White hair we both saw stopped us. She was calling herself the crone and I could see all these people and these spirit guides around us. Then she says something to my ex and he lays down and I see his spirit go outside his body and he then is dressed differently and looked peaceful than he normally was. I was like take me too, I love him, I must be with him etc, and she fights me on this saying its not my time, etc and then she says fine you can come with too, but for now you must sleep. She touches me and knocks me out. I woke up in the dream hours later only to find that down the road the car that we were driving in was in an accident and I was a bout 50 feet away from the car. I wake up in the middle of the road and the police and people were looking for my body but I started waking up and walking towards the car horrified and hurt. I then snap out of this tv episode that was playing and I couldn't figure out where in the timeline of eposides where and when this was happening. I couldn't find it and re-watch it again. I then woke up I mean really woke up in my bed wondering wtf? I chose my soul mate/ twin flame to be with, not him, why would I do anything like that? Or most importantly the question that came to mind, is Eric Dead? I keep thinking maybe he's dead but maybe he can't be. I don't understand why I had this dream.

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