Monday, June 6, 2011

Night Prayer and morning prayer

So this is a nigh prayer I wrote for the goddess to pray before bedtime.

 Thank you great goddess for this day
For the blessings it brought
and for the lessons it taught, 
May my sleep be peacful
May my dreams be good
May I rest so that tomorrow I do my best
So mote it be.

The morning prayer I wrote is this one.

 Thank you great goddess for this day
that I am about to enjoy
May it be filled with blessings,
may it be filled with learning
May it be filled with love and peace
May I do my very best today to stay positive
Thank you goddess for hearing my prayer.

The only problem with praying is I'm usually not very good at doing it as often as I should.

1 comment:

  1. I like your morning has a nice flow to it or something. I'm pretty bad at praying often, too :(
    If you have a moment, could you check out my new book of shadows blog? ...I mainly just want input on how it looks, since your's is so pretty. I think the url and the bit about how I'm not insane will make more sense after I post some more...I have pretty unique ways. I'm trying to avoid being the ignorant, fluffy 16 year old Pagan that so many experienced people admit to being, and regret. So, any guidance will be accepted. Thanks! -Chinchilla :)x
