Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Protection from harmful spells

So every once in awhile you might piss someone off due to making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, we are only human after all. Unfortunately there are a lot of big heads out there who think they can do anything they want to someone without their consent. Those who have big heads and consider themselves more divine than you, may or may not try casting spells against you. One they cannot cast something without your consent, if they do they themselves will generate bad karma from it. Also if they do and you feel it working, please take action immediately.

Someone tried to cast a binding powers spell on me just because I pissed someone off. However, I apologized and did everything I could to rectify the situation, so why this spell was cast on me I have no idea. But to purposefully cast a binding powers spell to exact revenge is considered a harmful spell. Anyone who does something to hurt another for whatever reason is against moral standards. There is only one way someone can bind your powers and that is if you know about it and have a good reason, like if you were to go crazy and bringing harm to others through your magick, and/or if you were just too powerful and you needed to repress your powers until you could handle it. I have a friend who needed to do a power repression spell because she is just too powerful and cant control all her powers. It happens sometimes. one thing is for certain they thought I was a super newb, newbie that they thought I wouldn't figure it out, and might have felt it was for my own good.

Lets say you figure it out? what do you do. Well I made this spell return the spell that was cast. You do all the necessary prep work for it though. I'm just going to write the incantations. You may change things how you like, or add components but this is what I personally wrote.

Return this spell to its owner,
return it back 3 times fold,
let karma take its toll
so that no one is harmed
if this is your will so mote it be. 

Then imagine any energy that is not your returning to the source.

If the spell partially worked and your powers feel half way bound, or weaker than normal, I also wrote a restoration spell for it. 

Restore my memory to the way it was,
let me remember who I am,
and where my powers come from,
and restore the power that was lost,
Unbind the powers that were bound,
so harm comes to no one,
If this is your will so mote it be.

Well you may need to alter this one to fit your situation but when the spell was casted on me, I felt I was forgetting who I was and my purpose on this earth. That is why I also did a restoration memory thing in the beginning. Depending on the situation you may not need that part. 

Then the last thing I created was the protection spell against harmful spell.s

Protect me from harmful spells,
let no magick  or spell penetrate this shield without my consent,
those who attempt to harm me through magick or a spell
return it to its owner three times fold
so that no one may be harmed,
If this is your will, so mote it be.

Then imagine a huge shield around yourself and imagine spells bouncing off and returning to its owner.

In any case only use these spells to protect yourself. Some people are just immature and think magick is going to solve all their problems when it is not. Like with the above situation.

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