Monday, May 2, 2011

The Altar, May Day, and spirit guides.

This is sorta what my alter looks like. I have changed a few things around since this picture was last taken, but all in all you get the idea. I don't have all the tools that books say that is required to do magick, but that is because I don't think I believe I need all those tools. Mainly because you can also do spells in your mind if you are visually capable enough.  I have candles, herbs, books in the open drawers,  holy water, incense stick burner, a small white grinder,  a wand, a dagger, a big ceramic fantasy covered bowl I made in high school, a small ceramic tea cup that holds my stones, and a couple of white sage smudging bundles.

My brother is moving out at the end of the month so hopefully I have more room in my room to get a separate space for my alter and have a spot just for my alter stuff. And possibly a small book case to put all my books and journals I am collecting. I am looking forward to getting my room back into shape and get more space to work with. It will be my version of Spring Cleaning.

Also in light of May day. I really wanted to do some type of ritual, but the only thing that I really got to do was I had gotten a red rose from my boyfriend, and contact my spirit guides. I have two of them. For me it was a new beginning to actually hear my spirit guides talk to me and give me guidance. They are full of life and so very protective of me. One of them is a Snow Leopard, and the other one is a Kodiak Bear. They are so beautiful. I am glad I was finally able to talk to them and see them. As for how I did it, well I didn't do any rituals. I just concentrated on connecting with my heart, and who or what they are in my mind, and I opened my eyes and they were right there. It was interesting that, that is all that was needed. Or maybe it was just that I was ready to know who they are, and my time for them to appear to me.

Here is the information on Bear Spirit Guides. 

Here is the information on Snow Leopard Spirit Guides.

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