Monday, December 5, 2011

Licid Dreaming

Ok so I am a very lucid dreamer. I lucid dream at least once every night. I think its supposed to be one of my powers or something. But anyway, I had this dream where I was living in a house down town Minneapolis. I was in High school and was very pagan. People knew that and one of my Christian Friends decided they wanted to convert me. So they arranged to break into my room while Im sleeping, I woke up in the dream hearing voices of people but not understanding what they are saying. I thought it was a ghost so I bolted up right and what I saw horrified me.
Any magickal books I had, including non fiction and fiction, were gone, My artwork I have been working on with artistic nudes and pagan symbology were gone, and nearly all my alter supplies were gone. Also Any DVD's or Movies that had a sci fie fantasy theme to it were also gone. I was hurt and enraged.  I cried and cried and then I noticed the Christians were outside waiting for me. So I went out in angry sobbing tears and told them off. I went on a rant that how can I be a devil worshiper if I don't even believe in the devil in the first place, etc etc etc. Asked them all these tough philisophical questions they didn't understand or didnt know the answer to. A couple of people felt sympathy and compassion and tried to calm me down but they kept on saying "jesus will take away all pain. etc" and I just got angry again and ranted philisophical debates.
Some felt compassionate and sympathetic but at the same time they just kept on talking about Jesus. I told Them this was wrong even in the legal sense and that you must leave my property! They wouldnt leave so I go in to call the police but on my bed there was a packet of reciepts and notes about what they did with my stuff. They burned my books, Sold my DVD's for money and gave the money to the church, They took my art to an art professor at the university and the professor wrote a note saying that my art was indeed trashy and that they burned my paintings and drawings, and sketches, they had donated any alter supplies to the church to be cleansed of evil, etc etc etc. I was even more destraught and I started crying again and wanted to go on facebook and send an angry blog/letter to all those who were involved, thats when I woke up physically in my room.
It had felt soo real and so vivid and the strange thing is, the timeline was messed up like had a hint of past present and future. Cus the house I lived in, in the dream and the way everyone was dressed up, it was taking place in 1970's and yet theres all this modern technology that wasn't in the 19'70's. I woke up feeling angry and sad, but then I realized that everything was ok and realized it was just a dream. A very real feeling vivid lucid dream. I shrug my shoulders, ask the goddess to help me sleep better after writing down the dream in a dream journal.

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