Saturday, December 10, 2011

Drumming and Updates

Ok so last night I joined a Drumming group in a spiritual community/church thing. It wasn't a Traditional Church that you'd think of. It is a community church that is for people who are spiritual and into magick and metephysical studies, however, its energies seemed more Native American. To the Anishinabae people, Drums were very sacred to this culture. Drums are a very magical tool to raise energy as well as call out to the spirits. Last night was definately proof of that because I saw Native American Elders dancing and being called by the drums while I was drumming. It was awesome that they joined our healing and celebrations experiences. I found it an amazing experience and my friend who took me to it, we plan on going as often as we can. I really wanna feel this again especially feeling the Elders delight in our drumming and I could even hear them singing. They were singing soo loud I thought people must be crazy not to have heard them. My friend heard them too.

One of the things we did that was kind of cool was a shamanistic Journey. We would be drumming while asking our spirit guides questions and getting answers. My spirit guides told me some much needed lectures about how I should take more pride in my accomplishments. They asked me, If I don't believe in my accomplishments, how can others believe in them or believe in me if I don't first believe in it myself? It got to me. It really did. I been hearing these thoughts for a long time but I never believed them. After meeting my higher self and finally hearing these thoughts from whence they came, I started feeling a rush of courage and believing in myself. I asked them about grad school, and they said yes, you will get there, the time is coming soon so you better hurry it up and to believe in my abilities and in myself. They said I have come this far, and go farther if I keep trying. I wanted to stop punishing myself for what happened in the last few years. They told me to stop allowing others to set me back from my purpose, that you know what you need to do, get it done!

Anyway Id just like to say, the reason there aren't very many blogs the last couple of months because my computer broke and I haven't been able to get on here much. It broke right after halloween and so I haven't been able to write about my Samhain experiences. It was awesome too, but the time and place for that has passed. I plan on writing about it next year so don't worry it will be up eventually.

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