Monday, December 5, 2011

Merging with Higher self

Ok so last night I was gazing into my Quartz crystal. I wanted to meditate so I figured Id fix myself on the crystal like I would do on a candle flame. Once my Consciousness shifted I was in a field that was warm and sunny, and with all kinds of flowers all around. The wind combing through my hair. It was peaceful. However, someone had approached me. I had instantly known it was my higher self. She looked different, appeared to me as this mystical Goddess with lovely tattoos and power emanating from her.  She was telling me about herself and that we need to merge. I was scared, I don't know why I was scared but then she touched me and I was at full peace with her. She told me I was ready and to not be afraid. She proceeded and merged with me. I felt a huge rush going through me as I felt the power rush in. My whole body felt warm while laying on the bed and my sense heightened. I felt whole, and complete and loved like I had never felt before. It was good and strange all at the same time.  After coming back I still felt warm and good, and happy and felt completed.

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