Monday, September 5, 2011

Herbal Remedies for Reproductive Health!

Some of us women have lived with irregular cycles all our life and possibly it effects our fertility. One of my issues is I normally have irregular periods and a lot of times I feel I have an unnatural cycle because when I do get my period I don't bleed as much as some other women do. I feel menstruation is a part of womanhood, and part of magick. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me? Maybe nothing but I have been doing some research on herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and various causes and conditions.

Some research I have found, however is about Herbal teas, and herbalism.  These herbs found in general to help menstruation cycle normalize. I got this information at Basically it is describing Emmenagogues and which herbs are Emmenagogues. It says thus: "Emmenagogues are substances which have the ability to provoke menstruation. They can work in a variety of ways, but the end result is menstruation. Its action can be mild or strong depending on the herb."

The list of herbs that help with fertility and regulating the cycle are as follows:

Mild Emmenagogues:
These include Parsley, Ginger, Yarrow, Feverfew, Rosemary and Sage. For more information on these herbs

Medium Strength Emmenagogues:
Parsley, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds, Black Cohosh, Mugwort, Juniper.

Strong Emmenagogues Include: Several of these herbs are also listed as abortifacients, which I have given a page of its own. You can find more information about these herbs there.
Pennyroyal, Angelica, Savin, Rue, Tansy, Asafetida, Blue Cohosh, and Vitamin C, celery seed, birthwort.

Uterine Contracting Herbs Include:
Herbs with Oxytocic properties
- these herbs induce uterine contractions by stimulating oxytocin.
Blue Cohosh, Cotton Seed/Root, Angelica and Marijuana
Herbs containing Thujone Thujone is a volatile oil found in several plants known to be a uterine stimulant. Anyone with a tendency toward epileptic seizures should not use herbs containing thujone.
Tansy, Mugwort, Juniper berries, Chamomile.
Misc Uterine Contracting Herbs These herbs have unique properties which cause uterine contractions:
Angelica Root, Blue Cohosh, Ginger, Parsley, Pennyroyal, and Rosemary

Herbs which Stimulate the Uterus This is desirable to aid in dislodging the fertilized egg.
Angelica, Black Cohosh, Ginger, Horseradish, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds/Root

Herbs which contain Estrogenic Properties These herbs can cause estrogen-like side effects including abnormal blood clotting, liver problems and aggravate estrogen-dependent tumors
Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, QAL, Pomegranate seeds

Antispasmodic Herbs The abortive properties are believed to possibly result from the relaxant action on the uterus, causing inhibition of movement to such an extent that an abortion occurs.
Black Cohosh

Implantation Inhibiting Herbs These herb interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg, they are generally used after fertilizing intercourse until menstruation is due. For more information Herbal Contraceptives & Implantation Inhibitors
Cotton Root, Juniper Root, Queen Anne's Lace Seeds, Vitamin C, Rue/Rutin.

These herbs are mainly to Induce Menstruation early, and if taken in moderation probably could help normalize cycles, however, beware that some of these can be toxic. Too much can cause serious problems in health. I suggest following the doses that are recommended by a herbalist.

One herb that I have found that normalize cycles and are good for promoting reproduction health in general is Raspberry leaves:

"Raspberry leaf (Rubus species) is a member of the Rosaceae family. The leaves are rich in the important minerals calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Raspberry leaves have been regarded as a universal herb for women. They have been introduced to young girls beginning their menses as a welcome ritual to help them through their changes. Raspberry leaves can help alleviate menstrual cramps, reduce erratic food cravings, and curb excessive bleeding.

Raspberry leaf tea has long been used to increase fertility. Pregnant women in China, Europe, and North and South America have all used this herb as a tea for a wide range of female health concerns. Even pregnant cats have been known to seek out the leaves and eat them!

When used during pregnancy, raspberry leaves help to relieve morning sickness, prevent spotting, and improve blood quality thus preventing anemia.

Besides being consumed regularly during pregnancy, women often drink raspberry tea during labor. This is because raspberry leaves contain an alkaloid called fragarine, which is said to make labor easier due to its effectiveness as a tonic for the pelvic muscles and uterus.

When taken after birthing, raspberry tea facilitates placental delivery, helps decrease uterine swelling, and helps prevent postpartum bleeding. Drinking raspberry tea until the time of birthing is so nutritious, it helps to ensure that the colostrum (the first breast milk) will be especially rich. However, it is not used excessively during lactation due to its astringent properties that can decrease milk supply.

When menopausal women use raspberry leaf, it helps promote healthy uterine tone and minimize hot flashes"

Herbs are a great way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs in order to promote reproductive health. However sometimes Reproductive issues is also a result from a manganese deficiency.

"Manganese activates the enzymes responsible for the utilization of several key nutrients including biotin, thiamin, ascorbic acid, and choline. It is a catalyst in the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol, facilitates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and may also participate in the production of sex hormones and maintaining reproductive health" (

So Basically getting more Manganese in your diet can be a way to help normalize mensuration as well. Some foods that I have found, at the same source up above, are mustard greens, kale, chard, raspberries, pineapple, romaine lettuce, Collard Greens and Maple Syrup.  (

Again Rasberries come up! I think it is clear that Raspberries are good for your reproductive health! Anyway another way to get plenty of Manganese is to take Multivitamins that are specified for a woman's health. An example is One a Day Woman's.

Another recent finding is Motherwort herb. It can induce menstruation for late periods, however it is also a herb for heart health and for depression. It acts similar to hawthorn berry's in the sense it goes to your nervous system and you feel a little sleepy. Note I am not a herbalist but I am studying herbalism on my own. The reccomended doses I have found through research is one teaspoon of motherwort in boiling hot water. Drink when it cools. However it is more effective if you combine Motherwort with Basil (which is a cooking herb that is also good for menstruation) or organic Raspberry leaf. Who says you can't combine all three? Also Motherwort is fairly powerful so do not take while pregnant. It can be taken during labor to ease labor pains or after labor but not during pregnancy.

Also another disclaimer, I know these methods might not help everyone. I know there are severe cases where these herbs probably wont do much good. I am sorry if that is the case. This is to help those who can benefit from herbal remedies instead of birth control to regulate menstruation.

Vitamin C, B1, B2, and B6 are also vitamins that are needed for a healthy reproduction system. If you are lacking in any of these vitamins, it might cause menstruation issues just like any lack of Vitamins can cause lack of nourishment.

Anyway as for me I have been on and off drinking Raspberry leaf teas. I don't really like tea that much but I am going to try and drink it more regularly to see if I get any results.

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