Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Anisinabe Wisdom, Knowledge, Power and Prophesies.

So I have been researching my Ojibwe culture thinking I may find some answers to some questions I have in regards to spirituality. The thing I find most interesting so far is the distinction of Knowledge, power, and wisdom.
One of the things the Ojibwe culture has pointed out to me was that knowledge was intune with wisdom and not power. Today people Classify Knowledge as power and I am starting to think that is wrong. Our western society is about power, control, and domination/expansion (however you want to phrase it). Knowledge can be about power but those who use it for power I think has the objective to want to control and dominate and use power to their needs and objectification. Where as the difference is the Old Genuine Ways of many indigenous peoples across the globe believe that Knowledge goes together with Wisdom. The more Wisdom you have and the knowledge to back it up the more connected you are to mother earth or female diety you choose. The difference is the people who decide to use knowledge to gain wisdom instead of power, you get people who practice humility, who respect not only the earth but also the gifts the earth gives us, as well as the wisdom to think things through before acting, respecting elders and authority figures, knowing when to speak and when not to speak, and to know that patience can be well rewarded.

People who use knowledge for power don't have the wisdom to know how to use that power correctly without corrupted principles. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely and I think that is what is wrong with society today. Many people have allowed themselves to delve into the illusions of Power without understanding wisdom first, and go with true morality. From what I hear and remember from past lives, the most powerful people were ones that were wise and kind and it just wasn't because of their Spiritual gifts but the ability to grow wise with those gifts and not use power for thier own motives but to help their people. Either by contacting dead ancestors or healing with all the herbs earth that provides for us already. The only problem is I do believe Earth is dying because of what man has done to the environment due to wanting power, control and a high social status to do whatever it is they want to do without much repercussions. That is another discussion for another day. My point is that the old ways incorporates a wisdom that is being lost to generations and that knowledge isn't supposed to be about power.

"Western civilization, unfortunately, does not link knowledge and morality but rather, it connects knowledge and power and makes them equivalent. Today with an information `superhighway' now looming on the horizon, we are told that a lack of access to information will doom people to a life of meaninglessness -- and poverty. As we look around and observe modern industrial society, however, there is no question that information, in and of itself, is useless and that as more data is generated, ethical and moral decisions are taking on a fantasy dimension in which a `lack of evidence to indict' is the moral equivalent of the good deed." - Vine Deloria

Most importantly there is the 7 teachings of the Anisinabe (Ojibwe) people. They are as follows:

The Seven Teachings of the Anishinaabe
(The People-- the Ojibwe, the Odowa and the Potawatome)

To achieve honesty within yourself,
To recognize who and what you are ,
Do this and you can be honest with all others

Humble yourself and recognize that
No matter how much you think you know,
You know very little of all the universe.

To learn truth,
To live with truth, and
To walk with truth,
To speak truth

To have wisdom is to know the difference between good and bad, and
To know the result of your actions

Unconditional love to know that when people are weak
They need your love the most,
That your love is given freely, and
You cannot put conditions on it
Or your love is not true

Respect others, their beliefs, and
Respect yourself.
If you cannot show respect,
You cannot expect respect to be given

To be brave is to do something right
Even if you know it's going to hurt you.

Why is morality seen as fantasy? I think these 7 Ojibwe morale principles could enhance lives. Also there are a lot of people out there who need these lessons in their life. Not only that but in none of the 7 teachings is there a lesson on gaining power for yourself. Then there are the 7 prophesies that I think should be made note here because it basically describes the history of the Anishinabe people. The only one that has not been fulfilled is the very last one where I think we are in the process of fulfilling as we speak.

The Prophecy of the Seven Fires
according to The Mishomis Book by Edward Benton Banai

The Sacred Megis of the Ojibwe
The megis is a cowrie shell, very sacred to the Ojibwe.   Through the megis Creator breathed life into all beings.

Seven prophets appeared to the people.  The First Prophet told the people that in the time of the First Fire they would leave their homes by the sea and follow the sign of the megis.  They were to journey west into strange lands in search of a island in the shape of a turtle.  This island will be linked to the purification of the earth.  Such an island was to be found at the beginning and at the end of their journey.  Along the way they would find a river connecting two large sweet water seas.  This river would be narrow and deep as though a knife had cut through the land.  They would stop seven times to create villages but they would know that their journey was complete when they found food growing on the water.  If they did not leave, there would be much suffering and they would be destroyed.  And they would be pursued and attacked by other nations along the way so they must be strong and ready to defend themselves.

The Second Prophet told them they could recognize the Second Fire because while they were camped by a sweet water sea they would lose their direction and that the dreams of a little boy would point the way back to the true path, the stepping stones to their future.

The Third Prophet said that in the Third Fire the Anishinabe would find the path to the lands prepared for them and they would continue their journey west to the place where food grows upon the water.

The Fourth Prophet was two who came as one.  The first told them to expect a race of people who had light skin.  The future of the Anishinabeg would be known by the face the light-skinned people would wear.  If they come in brotherhood there would be a time of wonderful change.  New knowledge would be joined with the old knowledge and the two peoples would join to make a mighty nation.  Two other nations would join to make four and they would become the mightiest nation of all.  If they brought only their knowledge and their good-will they would be like brothers.

The second being of the Fourth Prophet warned the light-skinned race might wear the face of death that would almost look the same as the face of brotherhood.  "If they come carrying a weapon and if they seem to be suffering, beware.  Behind this face is greed.  You shall recognize the face of death if the rivers are poisoned and the fish are unfit to eat."

The Fifth Prophet said that in the time of the Fifth Fire there will be a struggle between the way of the mind of the light-skinned people and the natural path of spirit of the many nations of natural people.  "As this fire loses its heat there will come among the people those who promise great joy and salvation.  If the people accept this promise and abandon the old ways, the struggle will continue for many generations.  This promise is false and it will nearly destroy those who accept it."

The Sixth Prophet told them that in the time of Sixth Fire it would be clear that the promise accepted during the Fifth Fire was false.  "Those who were deceived by this promise will take their children away from the teachings of the elders.  The elders will lose their purpose in life and many will become sick and die.  Many people will be out of balance and the cup of life will become the cup of grief."

The Seventh Prophet was younger than the others who had come and there was a glowing light from his eyes.  He said that there would come a time when the waters had been so poisoned that the animals and plants that lived there would fall sick and begin to die.  Much of the forests and prairies would be gone so the air would begin to lose the power of life.*  The way of the mind brought to the red, black, and yellow nation by the white nation would bring danger to the whole earth.  In this time there will arise Osh-ki-bi-ma-di-zeeg, a new people who will emerge from the clouds of illusion.  They will retrace their steps to find the treasures that had been left by the trail.  The stories that had been lost will be returned to them.  They will remember the Original Instructions and find strength in the way of the circle.  Their search will take them to the elders and the new people will ask for guidance.  But many of the elders will have walked the Path of the Souls to the Star Web.  Many elders will have forgotten their wisdom and they will not be able to help.  Some of the elders will point in the wrong direction and others will remain silent because of their fear.  Some of the elders will be silent because no one has asked them for their wisdom. 

If the New People will find trust in the way of all things, in the circle, they will no longer need the selfish voice of the ego and they can begin to trust their inner voice.  Wisdom will be once again be found in dreams of the night and of the day.  The sacred fire will once again be lit.  The Light-skinned People will be given a choice between two paths.  If they choose the right path the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth Fire and final fire of  brotherhood and sisterhood.  If they choose the wrong path, remaining on the path of the mind, then the destruction they brought with them will come back to destroy them.  The people of the earth will experience much suffering and death.

I think this last prophesy has been happening and is still in the process of occurring.  I think the reason many people are going away from the church these days is so they can find their way back to the oldest traditions. This includes Celtic and druid magick, as well as ancient Native American ways. This is important because I believe people are trying to come back to the basic 7 teachings of life and re-find the inner wisdom that was once lost by Western civilization.

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