Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Updates and Native American pulls

So I haven't written much lately because I have been busy and haven't really had the chance to write more spells or make things. Until today. I made another dream catcher. I made one for my boyfriend for is birthday this weekend, and I made it out of a twig. I can't post  picture due to a malfunctioning camera. I am hoping to buy another one.

I have gotten a new job and I am super excited about it. I think for the first time in my life I will be able to live out on my own after 6 months of getting paid and working on getting out of debt. I am very excited about this so I been doing research, and I'm hoping to start getting things in motion.

Then lately I have been researching Ojibwe culture because I am part Ojibwe. I have been wanting to find a system that works for me and I am starting to feel close to the Ojibwe culture. While growing up I went into secondary culture class because my dad and my grandma are/were registered Ojibwe Native Americans.  I grew up learning about the medicine wheel and the old ways but I was also brought up Christian. It was always fun making things but back then I didn't understand what exactly I was being taught. I took the teachings and pushed them in the back of my mind when college started until these past few weeks. Over the last year I have had dreams about myself and Native Americans. I have seen totems in my dreams, I have seen myself as a medicine woman, I have seen a bear moon as a bear on a moon, as well as a dream when I was younger and dreamed of sacred animals. which my animal totem is a bear. I have had others but I don't remember them at the moment. I have been reading up on the ojibwe prophesies and there is one where it has yet to be fulfilled. The last one is about people coming back to the roots of spirituality and being guided by spirit instead of with the mind. Or something like that, and that humans are going to destroy themselves if they don't get back in tune with mother earth and father sky. Also there will be leaders who help humanity into a new age. I think maybe part of this prophecy is going to happen in 2012. There are so many different prophesies about 2012 that in a way they are all the same but yet all different at the same time. I do believe something is going to go down in 2012. Humans are in for an awakening.

But anyway my point with this is, I feel closer to my ojibwe haritage as I review all the things I learned as a child, such as the ojibwe medicine wheel. I looked up pictures of it online and I remember the real medicine wheel looked a lot different. It was in a cross not in an ex and yell was in the direction of east. Red, direction of south black direction of west and white direction of north. Some of the pictures get red and yellow mixed up or black and white mixed up on the opposite sides of the wheel and I'm like WTF! This is all wrong! I'm a little angry about this. Because this is misrepresenting a culture and a way of living. Your mixing up the wrong directions with the wrong colors! how dare you! Aside from the appalling misguided representation of the medicine wheel iteself, I have also been learning about the vast horrors of what they did to the indigenous peoples from 1850's to 1970's and the boarding school system of taking children away from parents and putting them into abusive situations. Everyone thinks the white way is better but yet why is it that every time the white culture invades another country or culture there's always more death than there should be? Even today it is happening and our president is Black! Shouldn't he know better?

Why can't we create a more peaceful world? Humanity is corrupted by their own minds because they can't listen with their heart or their spirit. The rich worry about profits and are greedy, where the poor worry about when and where they will get their next meal from and are needy. Then the people in between want to help balance the social herarchy but they cant because its all about power and control and domination. WTF? How are we ever going to evolve if we can't even get past this belief system? Then Christians wonder why so many people are leaving the church in pursuit of finding their own way to spirituality?

Well the Church helped create this world too and Christianity is what influenced the white men. Oh they must be 'savages' because they don't believe in god! we must save their poor souls before they go to hell! We must do that by beating them and taking away everything they hold dear! Because if we don't God forbid we will be stricken down by the hands of God himself!. Gee wiz. Now isn't that just ridiculous? Nobody really needs saving unless they choose to do bad things. Sex is apart of nature so it is not a sin. Magick is not a sin because Jesus did it too. And most importantly God doesn't Hate GLBT, Blacks, Native American Indians, or Asians at all. God doesn't hate anyone or anything. If this Christian God exists, he doesn't hate in general or is not supposed to according to the bible he is all loving and merciful and yet people kill in the name of God because we are supposed to hate what God Hates? Screw that! The real sins of this world is murder (in every brutal way possible including all types of holocausts), rape, neglecting your brothers, sisters (we are all brothers and sisters) and neighbors (we are all neighbors) who are in need of help, or not speaking up the truth when speaking the truth matters most.  The thinking is you can't help them all but if you help one or two people a day it will cause a ripple effect and I think everyone could get the help they need eventually if someone just takes the time to be compassionate and empathetic. Native Americans looked after each other in way our current society does not. Sorry this is ranting. Wasn't going to rant but I did.

Discliamer: I do not hate Christians. There are many Christians who see this and choose different paths or know it is wrong and I am glad of that. I also know there are many open minded Christians who do not judge that way and this rant isn't intended for all Christians. It's meant to ask the questions that need to be asked about Christian History and how they shaped the world since 1400's when Columbus "discovered" America and the Native American Holocausts began. I am just merely saying that it is because of such power/control thinking from puritans and the early denominational churches that first colonized and settled here. Maybe back then they had the best of intentions and felt that what they were doing was right, but obviously its so wrong and many have learned that lesson but there are still others who have not.

Another thing I have been looking into is ojibwe cultural meaning of the dream catcher and what is traditional v.s. today's version. I have found lots of interesting information on the story of the dream catcher about how the Anishinabe people's spider spirit/goddess couldn't look over all the children during the great migration, and that a medicine man/ seer got a message to make a spider web dream catcher and that it will protect the children until they can find the island that looks like a turtle. I really like that story. Dream Catchers in n essence is a protection symbol like the cross, and the pentagram. I like a lot of the stories I been finding that teaches morality to children. There's all kinds of gifts ojibwe people have. There are those who are born to be warriors, medicine men/woman, wise elders, and those that can phophesize, and those that can see spirits or be more in tune with the spirits. Most importantly they were all equal. Their professions didn't make one person better than the other and women were treated with respect. The cyle of life and the earth was treated with respect. While now the earth is dying by human pollution and digging up all the fuel and oils we can. I hope this world lasts long enough for the domestic integration of wind energy and solar panel energy. That could help a lot.. sorry Im ranting again.. I guess I am ranting. My more educational blog about Ojibwe Native Americans will come some other time. For now I'm going to shut up before I end up ranting 50 more pages. Later all.

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