Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tarot Cards

Ok so I decided to get my first deck of tarot Cards. I orriginally have Angel Oracle Cards and I really would like more clarity in readings so I thought that maybe I should Try tarot. People say it is a life long process... Well maybe it is. If it is, I am eager to learn anyway and will take the time to learn. I already have a natural ability to see things but what I see is the bigger picture without the details. Id like to learn to develop my gift more and to tune into the fine details. The Tarot Cards I think will be a good tool for me to use to learn to practice it.

For my first deck I decided to get The Vision Deck. I like photography and a lot of color and stimulation. I felt this Card deck was calling my name when I first looked upon it. It is coming in the mail hopefully soon. I am really excited to get my first deck of tarot and start practicing with friends for fun. Me and my friend sometimes gets together and do card readings just to see what we can see with our oracle cards. She has faries and I have angels so I am hoping she wont mind me doing tarot on her. I plan on getting Tarot of the Cat People at some point too. They are calling me as much as The Vision deck.

In any case I am so excited. I am making my very on tarot card bag for it. It's going to be awesome and I am excited to get it :) The only downfall is... I just hope it doesnt get stolen in the mail. My roomates think we have a mail thief in our nieghborhood. I hope not. I want my tarot cards :(

I also found a website that teaches the basics of tarot in an online free class. It's really awesome :)

Sings "Im soo excited, I just can't hide it....dodododododod"

Ok so this a reposting from my blog on but I have had my tarot cards for like  3 days now and I am in the process of learning tarot. Its a way different process than I thought it was and its actually not as easy as it looked. However, I am starting to get the hang of it. I just have to adjust my thinking a bit. Last night I wrote down like 26 different spreads from people and places on line and have been trying them but for some reason my cards like to mess with me a bit. I keep asking about one thing and then they pop up with something completely different and I am so confused. Then I realized it was talking about my past and how there was a lesson in the past I needed to remember so I don't keep falling in the same trap, and its a bit disheartening because I asked a specific question totally not related to what the cards gave me. It is hard to see with them. I don't think the cards trust me yet.

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