Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Gift of the Goddess

So Today I had walked home from work, and what do I see? A bundle of branches and twigs laying on the side of the road. There was a few good specimens there for wand making so I decided to grab them. I plan to make wands out of them and they were long enough to get about 2 wands each out of each stick I picked up. So I am hoping to post some for sale on Etsy.com once they are made. I hope to sell them for about 10 dollars each. If I get 8 wands out of my supplies it would be an awesome gift because then I can pay some more bills with the money. :) I'm excited!

Thank you goddess for the gift you gave me today! My Craft Store is growing thanks to you! Amen (not sure if I should put that at the end but I guess it works).

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