Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Making Protection Amulet

So for those that need a simple way to make a necklace or an item you already have to make it into an amulet here is the blog for you.

Supplies: White Candle,  protection herbs (Basil, fankincense, dragons blood, angelica, myrrh, cinnimon, garlic, or bay leaves), Wand or Ceremonial atheme, and  the item that will be turned into the amulet/ protection thing. Which could be a necklace, a stone of some type or even a bracelet. Any protection incense you would like to use.

You can choose which herbs you want from the list. I personally go with bay leaves, basil, garlic or dragons blood.

Best done on full moon or when the moon is in waxing. Cleanse, ground, and center first before preceding.

Call out the 4 elements or whatever you call/invoke to do the sacred circle or protection barrior against negative influences.

Mix together the herbs that you choose. Light the white candle and incense. Place some herbs in a circle around the candle, but make sure there is enough room for the object of your choosing to be placed inside the circle. Now raise as much energy as you can.  I suggest to do the first part of the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram where you imagine yourself bigger than the universe and you are getting divine energy light flowing down through you to earth. Then use that energy to Imagine a shield or protection bubble around you that is impenetrable and strong enough to withstand any attacks while touching amulet with your hands, or transfering the energy with wands or an athame.


Goddess (god, parton, diety) with the light
I cast this barrier
let no evil (harmful energy) pass through
Protect me day and night
Protect me while asleep or awake
Let no misfortune come or befall me,
keep all harm away,
so that harm comes to no one,
So shall it be

Then release all energy you have gathered into the said item. Then close up shop. 

Some alternative ideas if you don't have an item to use as a protection amulet, you can put the herbs you used into a paper white packet or a cloth sachet, and put the energy in there and carry it around in your pocket or purse. If you don't have any herbs but you have an object in mind, Just use the power from the incense if you have incense, or imagine protection herbs in your head and draw the energy from the earth. Or you can just use the white candle and let the candle burn down like it is done in candle magick. The energy will be put into the item either way or you can make an item. There is a- lot of ideas for alterations of this spell.

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