Monday, February 19, 2018

Daily tarot spread.

What was on my mind -my job and what to do. Too many hours and yes the money is worth it but its taking me away from my family and home responsibilities. My young daughter needs me.

7 of pentacles (upside down)- don't overburden yourself to make ends meet. Be patient.

Ace of cups- (up) don't rely on others opinions to be the voice of reason. Know when to say no and say no.

The world (down)- put faith in yourself and pamper yourself sometimes. Seek happiness in what you do. If you don't know what that is remember that it takes time. Resolutions come slowly but when they arrive it will be worth the wait.

My Thoughts on the spread- 

Basically if I'm not happy with my job do something else. Find something else you would rather enjoy.

 I keep hearing whispers in my ear saying child care. Which makes sense. I would be able to take my daughter with me to work and shed be able to learn and grow and be with other kids. 

In the mean time before I make the switch.... learn to say no when something is becoming overwhelming. My job can be very demanding and overwhelming and don't overburden yourself. If you can't do something or are not willing to then don't. Also be patient with clients

Life Update.

So its been 5 years since I wrote in this book of shadows.

My life hasnt been easy and has been full of shadows and changes.

I got my heart broken again around that time I stopped writing and practicing. Part of me died because the person I loved the most was ripped from my life because of my own doings.

I've spent a long time recovering and feeling dead... I'm still recovering but I want to start practicing my faith again... I'm tired of feeling dead. I want life back in my spirit again.

My faith has changed. I've rediscover the Christian path but still believe in many of the earth based religious practices. I will post a blog about this later.

I'm basically a christopagan and witch.  I also have undergone alot of changes. I was under the season of maidenhood when I started this book of shadows.

I now have an almost 2 year old daughter and a husband. So I have crossed over to the season of motherhood.

This next stage of life has really changed me. I'm changing and growing in ways I didnt even know I could. My life is not all about me anymore.

The level of selflessness I have come to know tries my patience and I often have failures and melt downs. I am so thankful my husband can help me pick myself back up.

I feel like such a biginner at all of this. Starting a new faith...starting a new blog and basically a whole new life. Anywho. I thought I'd post an update about me. I may be changing my blogs name or starting a new blog under a new account.

However I'm mostly thinking of just revamping the old. It has alot of my stuff already in here that I can reread for my new beginner status.