Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Making Protection Amulet

So for those that need a simple way to make a necklace or an item you already have to make it into an amulet here is the blog for you.

Supplies: White Candle,  protection herbs (Basil, fankincense, dragons blood, angelica, myrrh, cinnimon, garlic, or bay leaves), Wand or Ceremonial atheme, and  the item that will be turned into the amulet/ protection thing. Which could be a necklace, a stone of some type or even a bracelet. Any protection incense you would like to use.

You can choose which herbs you want from the list. I personally go with bay leaves, basil, garlic or dragons blood.

Best done on full moon or when the moon is in waxing. Cleanse, ground, and center first before preceding.

Call out the 4 elements or whatever you call/invoke to do the sacred circle or protection barrior against negative influences.

Mix together the herbs that you choose. Light the white candle and incense. Place some herbs in a circle around the candle, but make sure there is enough room for the object of your choosing to be placed inside the circle. Now raise as much energy as you can.  I suggest to do the first part of the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram where you imagine yourself bigger than the universe and you are getting divine energy light flowing down through you to earth. Then use that energy to Imagine a shield or protection bubble around you that is impenetrable and strong enough to withstand any attacks while touching amulet with your hands, or transfering the energy with wands or an athame.


Goddess (god, parton, diety) with the light
I cast this barrier
let no evil (harmful energy) pass through
Protect me day and night
Protect me while asleep or awake
Let no misfortune come or befall me,
keep all harm away,
so that harm comes to no one,
So shall it be

Then release all energy you have gathered into the said item. Then close up shop. 

Some alternative ideas if you don't have an item to use as a protection amulet, you can put the herbs you used into a paper white packet or a cloth sachet, and put the energy in there and carry it around in your pocket or purse. If you don't have any herbs but you have an object in mind, Just use the power from the incense if you have incense, or imagine protection herbs in your head and draw the energy from the earth. Or you can just use the white candle and let the candle burn down like it is done in candle magick. The energy will be put into the item either way or you can make an item. There is a- lot of ideas for alterations of this spell.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

making Card bags for tarot and oracles

First the materials you need are material, Sewing material Sissors, some rope/string/cord, and either a hand sewing kit or a sewing machine. what you want to do is choose your material. You can find some decent cloth at Wal-mart for cheap, or find it at any fabric store or online if you can't find something you like.

Cut out a two Rectangle/square like pieces that are  6 inches by 9 inches. It will turn out to be standard 5x7, you just need some extra room to sew. If you cut it out as 5 by 7 it will end up being 4 by 6. With sewing as a general rule, you usually cut out an extra inch in order to have enough room for the sewing line. But also include an extra inch at the top, because that is going to be used as a channel for the cord.

Anyway, you look at the cut out fabric to see which side is the good side (as in which side of the fabric is meant to be on the outside when ur done showing) and the bad side (as in which side is the fabric meant to be on the inside so no one sees it) You put the two good pieces together so the bad side is facing the outside. 

Then the next step is creating the channels for the string or cord you are going to use to close up the bag with. Do this by folding down an inch off of the top, and sewing as close to the bottom edge as possible so that there is this hole/channel. Do this with both pieces. 

Then the last step is sewing it up. Put the two good sides together so the bad side is facing the outside again. Sew the sides except, keep the holes open in the channel. Do Not sew all the way up the sides. Then Sew the bottom so that there is no holes. Then turn the whole thing inside out kind of like how you turn a shirt inside out or right side in. You will see that the two right side of the fabric is on the outside. 

Cut the rope/cord/string to size and send it on through the channels. To close the bag just close it similarly to a drawstring bag. 

The picture on top I had embroidered the pentagram on it. It takes extra work but you can find the basic stitch how to's online by doing a google search.

Or you can leave it as is :)  Takes me about 5 or 10 minutes to create a bag. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Weight loss Spell

Spring time is a time for growth and of life. For most people it is a renewal of energy. I did this weight loss spell awhile ago but never got to write it in the blog. It's not a cure all. Its just a spell where you basically make an amulet to remind you of your weight loss goals, and to help you to believe in yourself. I feel with the changing of the seasons that this spell may be helpful for those who are trying to become healthier this spring!

The supplies: A green stone such as jade or moss agate, green candle, herbs for heath such as Garlic,Cinnimon, Ginger, Lavander, Mandrake, Marjoram, Nutmeg, and sage. A Wand or ritual dagger to transfer energy. Also an empty satchet or small baggie to put the stuff in after completing the spells.

Call out the 4 corners, Angels, Elements, or the 4 directions to cast your circle.

Submerge the stone into the herbs and sprinkle some herbs around the green candle, making it a circle as well.

Light the green candle, and Imagine the power/energy of the herbs are being soaked up by the stone. Then gather up and raise energy to put that into the stone too.

Recite this incantation out loud or to yourself while raising the energy.

"Healing energies of earth and water,
I call upon you this hour
so that I may begin to lose weight
Remind me everyday the choices I need to make
To become healthy, happy, free,
give me the power to change my body to my desire
Healthy, not fat or too skinny,
just right for me.
Melt this body fat
and to help me on this Journey
So no one is harmed
so shall it be"

Then transfer all the energy you have raised and put it in the stone too. You may recite the incantation again if you wish as well. Then when that is finished, put the herbs and stone in the sachet or small baggie. Hold it in your had, while visualizing all your body fat melting off your body, and also visualize a more healthier you!

Then say out loud,

"This spell is done" and proceed to dismiss the circle, four corners, etc. Then Carry this amulet/sachet with you at all times, either in your purse, in a pocket or wherever you can find to put it. Just as long as it is with you and around u it should help you to focus on making the right decisions for your weight loss goals.