Monday, October 1, 2012

Sea Salt water bath ritual

I have been gone awhile. Mainly because things in my life are changing so I'm sorry to my readers for not keeping this blog as updated as I have been in the past. So here I am returning!

Sea salt baths have been around basically forever. A friend of mine who has some experience in massage therapy was massaging my back and realized how tense I was. She told me about sea salt water bath rituals so this is the one I am constructing. After work last night I did a general sea salt water bath within a protective circle. I blessed the water and lit lavender incense. I wish I had lavender oil. That would actually be best for it but I had no way of getting the oil so I just used an incense stick. It still worked lol. Anyway I put  in the sea salt, lit the incense, lit a white candle, made the sacred circle, and hopped in. Then I called to my goddesses Dianna and Isis to bless the water and that they were invited to join me in the sacred circle. I imagined the full moon light energizing and blessing the water. Then  I just let myself soak, and bathe myself and relax for like nearly an hour. I'm definitely doing this again, but I'm writing down a more concrete ritual to follow for myself and for who ever wants to read this lol.

Supplies needed, White candle, a cup or two of Sea Salt, White sage, Any bath oils or cents, or incense you would like to use, and wand/atheme,

Run the water and use whatever temperature you feel most comfortable with.

Light the white candle, light the incense, burn some white sage over the bath tub,

Cast the circle

Put in the sea salt, and whatever oils you want. Below are some basic mixes you can put in it that I got from another website. but you don't have to put tons of different oils in though. Put in what feels right. This is more of a guideline.

For a calming and relaxing soak, add 2-3 drops of French Lavender, 2-3 drops of Peppermint, and 2 drops of Roman or Yellow Chamomile to the water.

To alleviate aches and pains, add 2-3 drops of Peppermint, 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus, and 2 drops of Wintergreen to the water.

For a spiritual soak, add 2 drops of Frankincense, 2 drops of Myrrh, 2-3 drops of Sandalwood, 2-3 drops of Davana, 2-3 drops of Oakmoss to the water.

For a detoxifying soak, add 2 drops of Oregano, 2 drops of Parsley, 2 drops of Hyssop, 2 drops of Eucalyptus, 2 drops of Turmeric, 2 drops of Juniper Berry and 3 drops of Tea Tree oil to the water.

Call to your patron deity and ask them to come in to the circle and bless the water. If you want you can even invoke them if you want to and are able to do it.

Bless your third eye by anointing it with the bath water.

Hop into the bath water and relax and meditate. You may even recite an incantation before allowing yourself to relax a little.

Here is an prayer/incantation I got from that I feel would be the best to use in monthly lunar rituals, and can even change this around for daily bath soaks or weekly bath soaks. Depends on your preference.

“The end is the beginning.
All the outdated beliefs,
old hurts and little deaths of the past month (day/week), I now cleanse away.
All the disappointments, stale ideas, unfinished business and unfulfilled dreams,
I cleanse and purify.
I am renewed.
The way is now made clear for fresh beginnings.
By the power of the Living Goddess
I give thanks for the lessons of the past
And clear the way for the lessons of the future.”

So this is something I plan to recite in later bath rituals. However in time I might make some of my own prayers and meditations later on depending on the purpose of the bath. Sometimes ritual baths can be for cleansing before going to another ritual, sometimes you can just do this for relaxation and meditative purposes, sometimes it can be for recharging yourself. Either way Sea Salt Baths have been proven to enhance health as well as spirituality because it eases achey and sore muscles, helps cancer patients etc.

Here are some links for more resources.